Race Recap: GSK Orange Run
Last year longtime race sponsor GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the Lincoln Track Club brought back the night run, providing a unique race environment and a great opportunity for family fun. And on Saturday, August 4, the GSK Orange Run returned for the 37th year.The race started and finished at the Fallbrook YMCA and Schoo Middle School. The 5k course took two laps through the neighborhood, past cheering neighbors and cheering (barking) dogs and along the rolling hills on the north edge of Lincoln. It was really a beautiful night, a bit warm—but normal for AugustIn addition to running a challenging 1-mile or 5k race course, participants and family members had the chance to enjoy some great music, a Kona Ice, and an amazing photo both.The 1-mile run is part of the Lincoln Track Club Kids’ Grand Prix Series, and 136 kids ages twelve and under toed the line. Race sponsor GSK surprised one lucky young runner with a gift card to Cycle Works for a new bike. Congratulations to Jackson Oligmueller, this year’s winner of the bike raffle.
This year’s top three female finishers in the 1 mile: Kathleen Donovan (6:59), Nora Davy (8:05), and Isabella Davy (8:05). Your top three male finishers were Jonah Reynolds (5:51), Hudson Davy (6:00), and Matthew Schlegelmilch (6:24).In the 5k race, your top three women were Erica Doering (18:09), Ashlyn Glann (19:05), and Elizabeth Starbuck (19:36). On the men’s side, John Cleary (16:17), Colin Morrissey (16:38), and Thomas Ward (17:15).Thanks to all of the Kids’ Grand Prix runners, all of the racers who braved hills and heat, and all of the great volunteers! Click here for complete results. And click here to watch!Article by Lana Tolbert. Photos by Tracy Hoffman Photography.