LTC Awards Four At Annual Meeting
Lincoln Track Club hosted its annual meeting in January at the Antelope Park Indoor Shelter. The event included a group run, a free pizza dinner, and door prizes for some lucky attendees in the form of comped race entries. Folks were encouraged to renew their LTC memberships for 2024. A brief business meeting was held to welcome new board members, including Andrew Jacob as a member-at-large and Jonathan Clark as the webmaster.
LTC also recognized four individuals for their outstanding contributions to the Lincoln running scene in 2023. President Ryan Regnier, with the help of other LTC board members, presented the awards.
LTC President Ryan Regnier and Kayte Tranel-Partch, 2023 LTC Distinguished Achievement Award winner.
Kayte Tranel-Partch of Lincoln received Lincoln Track Club’s Distinguished Achievement Award. Kayte is a University of Nebraska-Lincoln graduate, where she had a successful career in both cross country and track. She earned All-American status in cross country, just the 5th in Nebraska women’s cross country history. Following college she competed for several years in indoor and outdoor track as an unattached athlete. She eventually moved up to the marathon distance, running the Houston marathon, several CIM marathons, and the Chicago marathon.
She has competed in many LTC races through the years, including the Buffalo Run, where in 2023 she broke an over 20-year-old master’s record.
In presenting the award, LTC Second Vice President Ann Ringlein noted Kayte has been successful in her sport despite having Cystic Fribrosis, a disease that can make it difficult to breath and can cause lung infections. “Kayte has flown under a lot of Lincoln runners’ radars, and we want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves,” Ringlein said.
LTC President Ryan Regnier and Dr. Brock Angelos, a 2023 winner of the Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Brock Angelos of Lincoln received a Lincoln Track Club Distinguished Service Award for his volunteer efforts with the club. He has supported LTC races in a number of roles through the years, with his service dating back to 1987. He is one of the constant, familiar faces runners will see at the finish line.
In presenting the award, LTC President Ryan Regnier said this: “It doesn’t take long when interacting with him at an event that you truly understand the passion and support he has for this club. He is often one of the first people to arrive at an event and almost always one of the last to leave. His love for the sport of running is evident in his words, actions and demeanor.”
Dr. Angelos is also known for his role as Head Marshal for the University of Nebraska Track Official team, a position he has held since 2009. He also dedicates time to the People’s City Mission Free Clinic.
LTC President Ryan Regnier and Jami Lanka, a 2023 winner of the Distinguished Service Award.
Jami Lanka of Lincoln received a Lincoln Track Club Distinguished Service Award for her volunteer efforts with the club. She has served as Volunteer Coordinator, organizing and mobilizing hundreds of volunteers through her years in that role. The club has seen an increase in volunteer participation due to her meticulous planning and effective leadership.
In presenting the award, LTC Vice President Eric Heyl said this: “Time and time again we have seen Jami demonstrate an incredible ability to step up in various situations, showcasing her dedication and flexibility. Whether facing unexpected challenges during events, lending a helping hand to fill gaps in, or taking initiative to implement improvements, Jami has proven herself as a proactive and invaluable contributor.”
A few of the members of the Prep Running Nerd team with team leader Jay Slagle (center back without hat) in a submitted photo. Slagle received a 2023 Distinguished Service Award and noted he accepted it "on behalf of the team."
Jay Slagle of Omaha received a Lincoln Track Club Distinguished Service Award for his volunteer efforts promoting the sport of running through the Prep Running Nerd. Prep Running Nerd, through Jay and a team of “nerds,” brings attention to high school cross country and track through pre-season, in-season and post-season coverage of all classes. Folks can find coverage online, including both commentary and photos of all of the big invites, but also many smaller events as well. The Prep Running Nerd provides rankings and ratings and an occasional editorial piece that provides insight on and attention to the sport of running.
While Slagle could not be at the meeting, LTC Board Member Brian Wandzilak said this in announcing the award: “Jay truly does justice to the efforts that young people of all abilities are putting in. …For the sake of promoting prep track and field and cross country, thank goodness Jay Slagle and the Prep Running Nerd efforts have come along.”
Slagle, in noting the award online, said he accepted it “on behalf of our 25+ Nerds.”